RFID For Hazardous waste management

  1. Background


With the development of the economy, the discharge of hazardous waste by enterprises especially the textile, chemical, pharmaceutical, and electronics industries has been increasing year by year. Due to the improper handling, storage, or use of hazardous waste, it will cause damage to the atmosphere, water and soil pollution, and arise serious health hazards to the production and living environment , restrict China’s economic and national health development. Therefore, it is important to improve the centralized, efficient and safe disposal of hazardous wastes, and accelerate the automation and intelligence of disposal of hazardous wastes.


  1. RFID Introduction


Infinite RFID technology, as a UHF RFID manufacturer, has brought a new breakthrough to the improvement of hazardous waste information management . It introduces the RFID technology in the hazardous waste information system, and makes the system to be automation, standardization, and information  management.


3.RFID Solutions

handheld rfid reader

INFINITE RFID tech implement RFID tag in the pallet, and write hazardous goods information into the tag. The staff will use the handheld RFID reader to scan the tag and barcode, and upload to background database.The background system generates tasks to be stored in the warehouse, meanwhile it sends the tasks command to the intelligent forklift.


The intelligent forklift consists of a forklift industrial control computer(IPC) and an RFID reader. The forklift IPC can directly receive the storage tasks generated by the background system, and guide the forklift driver to the specified loading point for dangerous goods shipment.


When the forklift arrives at the loading and unloading point to load dangerous goods, the RFID reader will read the pallet tag , and query the background data system to confirm the information of the dangerous goods that is being transferred. And the background system instructs the forklift to ship to the designated warehouse area.

rfid hazardous goods

Installing the RFID tag at the entrance of the warehouse. When the forklift enters the warehouse, the RFID reader will get the location info in the tags, and compare it with the background system data. If information matches, it will tell the forklift to go to the right position; if not, it will start alarm, and remind the driver to go to the correct warehouse.


After the forklift driver arrives at the assigned shelf, the Infinite RFID forklift management system will begin to unload. During unloading, the RFID reader will read the shelf tags to check whether the shelf information is correct. If correct, it will complete the storage operation and send feedback to the background system, and the inventory information will be updated on time; if it is not correct, an alarm will be prompted to guide the forklift driver to the designated shelf location.


Through the application of RFID in the warehousing process, it will help the hazardous waste treatment center strictly store dangerous goods by category. It improves the warehouse inbound efficiency by one item, one position, and avoid misplacement caused by human error,and maximize the protection of dangerous goods.


The preprocessing of outbound dangerous goods also needs to be operated strictly in accordance with the relevant operating procedures. The methods and steps vary in different dangerous goods, and what’s most important is to avoiding wrong handling process.


the RFID technology has features like long reading distance,high environment tolerance. It can realize the automation, efficiency,standardization of hazardous waste inbound and outbound management.Thereby, RFID improves the centralized, efficient and safe handling of hazardous waste, and effectively reduces the pressure of manual management.