• 8-port uhf rfid module
  • impinj R2000 uhf rfid module
  • Infinite rfid uhf rfid module

8-Port Impinj R2000 UHF Reader Module


  • Impinj R2000 Chip

  • Up to 700 tags/s

  • MMCX Connectors

  • Eight Antenna Ports

  • EPC global UHF Class 1 Gen 2

  • Tag RSSI Supported


  • Warehouse Management

  • Garment Management

  • Personal Tracking

  • Retail Management

  • Healthcare Management

  • Fleet Management



Operating Voltage 3.7V – 5 V
Standby Mode Current <50mA (EN high level)
Sleep Mode Current <100uA (EN low level)
Operating Current 1.2A  +/-10%
Operating Temperature – 20 °C  –  + 55  °C
Storage Temperature – 20 °C  –  + 85  °C
Humidity < 95% ( + 25 °C)
RF Channel Eight channels
RF Connector MMCX
Interface Connector Molex 53261-1571
RF Connector Material Gold-plated brass
PCB Material  Pogers FR4 gold-plated
Shield Material Aluminum
Air Interface Protocol EPC global UHF Class 1 Gen 2 / ISO 18000-6C/ISO 18000-6B
Spectrum Range 860Mhz – 960Mhz
Supported Regions US, Canada and other regions following U.S. FCC
Europe and other regions following ETSI EN 302 208 with & without LBT regulations
Mainland China, Japan, Korea, Malaysia

Supported Regions 0 – 33dBm
Output Power Precision +/- 1dB
Output Power Flatness +/- 0.2dB
Receive Sensitivity < -85 dBm
Peak Inventory Speed > 700 tags/sec
Tag Buffer Size 1000 tags @ 96 bits EPC
Tag RSSI Supported
Antenna Detector Supported
Ambient Temp Monitor Supported
Working Mode Single/DRM
Host Communication TTL Uart port
GPIO 2 inputs optical coupling   2 outputs optical coupling
Max Baud Rate 115200 bps
Heat Dissipation External cooling fin

Key Features

Impinj R2000 Built-in * The UHF Reader module adopts Impinj Indy R2000 chip as RF transceiver.
Anti-collision Algorithm * Unique I – Search multi-tag identification algorithm providing the highest efficiency.
Optimized Algorithm for Tags with Small Volume * Optimized applications for reading small volume tags with better respond time.
Dual CPU Architecture * Main CPU: tag inventory; Assistant CPU: data management.
* Tag inventory and data transfer are parallel and simultaneous.
Fast Antenna Switch Inventory (For M-2800 and M-2900) * Every antenna’s inventory duration is configurable (Minimum duration: 30 ms).
* Polling from ANT 1 to the last antenna.
Two Modes for Inventory * Buffer mode and Real-time mode.
* Tags will be stored as buffer under buffer mode.
* Tags will send data under real-time mode. This mode allows user to get tag data instantly.
Hardware System Halt Detection * Hardware CPU status surveillance.
* Run for 24hours X 365 days without system halt.

PA Health Surveillance * PA status surveillance.
* Make sure PA never works under saturated state. Protect it for long term operation.
18000-6B/6C Full Compatible * It can be switched rapidly between 18000-6B and 18000-6C tag.
18000-6B Large Data Read/Write * Read 216 bytes in one time takes less than 500ms.
* Write 216 bytes in one time takes less than 3.5 seconds.
* It can read/write data with different lengths.
Antenna Connection Detection * Detect antenna connection status.
* Protective for RF receiver.
* It can be canceled by command.
Temperature Sensor * Multi-point surveillance for accurate operating system temperature.
Power Output Correction * Dual modules making sure output power can be finely adjusted.
* Dual modules working and keeping correction unless they are both damaged.
Excellent Cooling Design * Heat dissipation and large cooling surface design.
* Thermal coupling interfaces using high-thermal conductivity solid materials which ensure stable performance under high temperature.


Data Sheet & User Manuel
